I ran another online workshop today for the wonderful Multiverse community. Multiverse is a great model for the modern world of learning from experience. I'm delighted to be supported them. www.multiverse.io/en-GB
Today's workshop was all about Managing Stress in the Worksplace. I also run sessions for them on Sleep and how to manage that and get the full benefits. Great stuff. I love talking with enthusiastic professional learners about these important topics. Thanks Multiverse for the opportunities.
![]() Dear clients and friends of Newquay Hypnotherapy, Thank you for an awesome year. With client sessions, talks, networking events and workshops I’ve been lucky enough to work directly with about 1000 people in 2023. Every connection and every meeting is a privilege, so thank you. Positive connections Many people have been making personal referrals to me this year. Thank you - this is massively appreciated. I don’t always know who you are, and confidentiality means I don’t talk about it much, but I’m really grateful. It is really noticeable what a positive head start it is for people to arrive knowing that the process and my style is going to suit them. If you have referred people to me (in some cases, it’s quite a few!) and you haven’t heard from me, or if there’s anything I can do for you, please do get in touch and let me know, and I can thank you personally. Positive connection is a great thing about this time of year. At Christmas I’ll be spending time with family and catching up with other friends. I always feel more grounded, relaxed and “me” after this. I also realised in the Autumn that I haven’t actually had a whole week off all year so I’m taking a dose of my own medicine and am currently relaxing in a very nice place and am away for 2 weeks, catching up with a very good old friend of mine. I’ll be back for a week or so before taking a few more days off for Christmas. Tapping into deep wisdom I know it’s quite an intense and busy time of year for many people. If any small part of you is wondering how you’re going to get through it all, please remember that you are deeply resourceful. Your brain has a boss (aka the ‘executive function’ or pre-frontal cortex) but it also has an incredibly resilient, really skillful and well-resourced team that can do amazing things (the rest of your neocortex, the outside shell of the brain). As in any business, the boss is really important for giving direction and guidance, but they can’t do everything. So if you can, give the boss a break here and there, set some intentions and trust your team to deliver them. One example of this occurred on a recent visit to the beautiful new bookshop that has just opened in Newquay. Jaimie at Clemo Books is “curating books and creating community” and it is a really special place to “stumble across new titles” and ideas (and people). I love walking in and just seeing which covers and artwork catch my eye, and then delving a bit deeper into the ideas represented and seeing what happens. I am not a big reader myself so giving books to others is a way I can enjoy them. On this occasion I went in and asked Jaimie if she could recommend anything for a friend of mine - a really wonderful person, highly qualified, extremely capable, with a huge brain, a huge heart and a successful career. This friend has also been recovering from a significant period of chronic fatigue. After a chat with Jaimie we found some options that seemed like they might relate, but in the end I followed my intuition and bought her the first two books I’d seen on my first browse. This was an anthology of Cornish verse and short stories, and a copy of Kris Hallenga’s brilliant book “Glittering a Turd.” My friend was really delighted, and it turns out she connected with both books in ways that were way beyond what I could have known. Many good conversations have ensued, and she nearly finished Kris’ book on first sitting, so now she can tell me all about it! It’s not the events in life that cause the perception of stress As far as a third part of the brain is concerned (the fight/flight system) it might be helpful to remember too that it’s not the events in life, or world events, or other people, or politicians, bad drivers, or even severe illness or loss that cause the perception of threat or stress. It is only our response to them. This is something we can choose, and perhaps change, and this can make a really significant difference. If you feel anxious, or triggered by something or someone, you might remember that it’s only a small part of your brain that is doing this. It is trying to help, but it doesn’t always get it right. There may be other options. If you’d like any further inspiration about the factors which can help you to achieve Calm, Confidence and Control in your life, here is a QUIZ that might help. And you can always give me a call or book in for a free chat. The brilliant Ella Croft VA is looking after my diary and the business while I’m away. And if you or anyone you know would like to lock in some sessions at 2023 prices please contact me now for December / January bookings. I can provide Xmas gift vouchers and even gift-wrapping if required! Best wishes and a very happy festive season to you all. Adam Hypnotherapy works |
If you are looking forward to 2021 at all, is it with a feeling of confidence, knowledge, expectation, and hope? Or desperation? Perhaps a mix. Either way it's a good thing. Because imagination is powerful. It might not seem as real as ... well, reality (whatever that is) ... but the two are related. Our perceptions are coloured by our expectations. And so are our actions. Ask any golfer. |
So here are my top tips for 2021. Look forward, look back, look now - but do so with some excitement, some love, and appreciation. We all know the power of positive emotions, of connection. Even small doses can make a huge difference. What can you get excited about? What would 2021 be like with connection in it? Where will love be happening? What does if feel like when you appreciate things, other people, and yourself?
Imagination is more powerful than the will. Will-power becomes won't-power - when we fight it, we lose. Will-power is so last century, so let's leave it there, in the past, where it belongs. And instead, let's just imagine what things will be like when problems have gone away. If things go well, what do you see happening? What would be different, even in small ways? What difference would that make to you? Who would be pleased?
And as you allow your thoughts to drift into the future, it's ok to imagine miracles. Viktor Frankl survived on hope, imagining against the odds that his wife might be alive somewhere and thinking of him too. It made a difference. It kept him alive. We have a lot more freedom than he had, and we have a lot to live for.
Willpower is so last century. You don't need to manage your New Year's Resolutions. You already know what you want. You can let your imagination do the rest.
While the world around us continues to change we are trying to stay nimble. From 5th November we'll be conducting all sessions online. We will be setting up some support groups again. Last lockdown we ran these for furloughed workers and anxious people referred to us by GPs and Social Prescribing link workers. We're looking at how we can support people over the next couple of months.
Meanwhile, there's so much going on in the world of wellbeing - from the grass roots to the very highest levels. I was on a webinar recently with two members of the House of Lords and an OBE, all talking about wellbeing in Cornwall. Very exciting stuff. A strong emerging theme is "health creation", and putting power back where it belongs - with people, in the community.
Wellbeing is complex. So is life. That's why we need to talk. Share. Work together. Here are some of the meetings and events coming up in November.
1. The Cornwall Festival of Business (2-6 Nov) including the Cornwall Business Fair on Weds 4th November. Free, and even easier than last year - you don't have to travel anywhere and you can meet hundreds of interesting people doing amazing things. I will be running a session called "USE your Brain" in the auditorium at 2pm - register at the Fair to attend. Some of you might recognise the content :)
2. CornWELL Festivals will be hosting the second of a 3-part series on The Future of Wellbeing. Thursday 5th Nov, 10-1130am. The aims of the meetings are to share knowledge, stories, ideas, hopes and inspiration about how well-being is working, and can work in the future. Anyone with an interest in wellbeing will gain something. The assumption is that by improving the wellbeing network, and the conversations in it, we can improve wellbeing.
3. Healthy Minds Newquay will be holding their usual monthly meeting on Monday 9th November, 10-1130am. It's also called "Who's who and what can we do" and the aims are very similar to CornWELL Festivals - just more local. All welcome - even if you're not in Newquay!
And that's it for now. I would highly recommend this series of webinars if you want to see the future I'm seeing for "health creation". I particularly recommend the webinar called "Community voices, barriers and enablers" which features some incredible people and success stories from Cornwall and Devon - really inspiring. I particularly enjoyed these moments (they're even more powerful if you've already heard the first hour and a half - it flies by, honestly!): 47:47 Hazel Stuteley, 1:27:54 Alisa Kefford-Parker - YES!!!, 1:28:42 Dawn Shepherd - "Listen to communities. The answers are already here." Together I'd really like to see this happening more in Cornwall.
Very best wishes to you all,
Meanwhile, there's so much going on in the world of wellbeing - from the grass roots to the very highest levels. I was on a webinar recently with two members of the House of Lords and an OBE, all talking about wellbeing in Cornwall. Very exciting stuff. A strong emerging theme is "health creation", and putting power back where it belongs - with people, in the community.
Wellbeing is complex. So is life. That's why we need to talk. Share. Work together. Here are some of the meetings and events coming up in November.
1. The Cornwall Festival of Business (2-6 Nov) including the Cornwall Business Fair on Weds 4th November. Free, and even easier than last year - you don't have to travel anywhere and you can meet hundreds of interesting people doing amazing things. I will be running a session called "USE your Brain" in the auditorium at 2pm - register at the Fair to attend. Some of you might recognise the content :)
2. CornWELL Festivals will be hosting the second of a 3-part series on The Future of Wellbeing. Thursday 5th Nov, 10-1130am. The aims of the meetings are to share knowledge, stories, ideas, hopes and inspiration about how well-being is working, and can work in the future. Anyone with an interest in wellbeing will gain something. The assumption is that by improving the wellbeing network, and the conversations in it, we can improve wellbeing.
3. Healthy Minds Newquay will be holding their usual monthly meeting on Monday 9th November, 10-1130am. It's also called "Who's who and what can we do" and the aims are very similar to CornWELL Festivals - just more local. All welcome - even if you're not in Newquay!
And that's it for now. I would highly recommend this series of webinars if you want to see the future I'm seeing for "health creation". I particularly recommend the webinar called "Community voices, barriers and enablers" which features some incredible people and success stories from Cornwall and Devon - really inspiring. I particularly enjoyed these moments (they're even more powerful if you've already heard the first hour and a half - it flies by, honestly!): 47:47 Hazel Stuteley, 1:27:54 Alisa Kefford-Parker - YES!!!, 1:28:42 Dawn Shepherd - "Listen to communities. The answers are already here." Together I'd really like to see this happening more in Cornwall.
Very best wishes to you all,
Adam Pearson
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